Saturday, December 22, 2012


So after all of the back and forth-E has now said that he wants to go to school again.

My husband also really wants him to go-so he can be around other kids yes-but mainly because he wants some of the burden off of me. I am more than happy to have him home of course, and will really miss him though. :(

So we are playing it by ear and plan to have him start school on Jan 2nd (first day back after the holidays). We had him tested by the school and (no surprise to me since I have been working with him for over 2 months) he tested 2 grades lower than his age would put him in reading and math. So they agreed (easily) that one grade below would be the correct placement and I agreed. I thought all along that 2nd grade was going to be the correct grade for him if he entered school.

We will see how it goes though, and if we have any kind of negative behavior that we feels like comes from his peers, or his attachment suffers, or if we feel that he is getting too discouraged and beat down academically  then we will pull him out. We have literally been working from the ground up since he arrived home, so hopefully he is ready for this!

"A" is getting evaluated to see if he needs any special services on the first day that E will be in school coincidentally. I need to post about how things have gone progressed with him soon.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone does things differently with their kids. Our choices were limited because we both have to work. School has been a blessing for both kids, but need to stay on top of what they are learning and how the teachers perceive them. Praying he has a good year!
