Friday, September 30, 2011

Walls and Forks

Well once again we have reached a brick wall in the midst of our path. Every time we reach something like this, it makes me step back, think, pray, and question what we are doing. Is this a snare from the evil one or is this a sign from God that we should be taking the fork in the road?                                                                                                  
There was a situation this week. We received news that we would not be allowed to host S and the two brothers at the same time, since they were not from the same orphanage or country. That this was a new policy they were enforcing starting this winter hosting season. (Not the countries policy, just one particular hosting agency's policy) I understood the reasoning behind it, and I even thought I could handle giving up on hosting S (at least this time). Nothing was set in stone that we were going to be allowed to host him from his country anyway, and we were unsure of our finances and how it would all work out. I thought these thoughts with my "brain" but however they did not translate correctly to my "heart." 

We were asked to choose and today, surprise (to us!) we chose S. I was SO SO sad to let go of the other boys. It's amazing you can fall in love with a picture and a short bio! 
We will have to host him through a different agency. It's a risk on so many levels for many different reasons. Now we have to wait and see if any of the other agencies will have kids that are available sometime soon, in the right age range, that we fall in love with, that we can host with him. There is a risk that we could end up only hosting S again (who is not adoptable) but I think it's risk we are willing to take. You find out where your priorities lie when push comes to shove I guess?

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