Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What is orphan hosting?

So what is this "orphan hosting" I'm so fired up about? Well here is the gist of it: Orphans from Eastern Europe are brought to the United States for 3-6 weeks during the summer and winter holidays. In the past there have been programs from Russia, Latvia, and Ukraine. Currently most agencies have programs for Latvia and Ukraine. Not all children are adoptable, but it is a great opportunity to advocate for the child and for adoption. You pay for the costs to bring the child to United States, treat them like they are a member of your family and show them what being a part of a family is all about about. It will change your life.

For us, it was a wonderful experience, even though we didn't end up with a child that was adoptable right now. Our time together is precious and can't be replicated or forgotten.

From NHFC website: Families from around the U.S.A agree to help cover the cost of airfare and other incidentals and provide these children with an intimate view into what a family is by having them stay in their home for approximately four weeks. Some children are able to travel to other areas with families who have full home-studies completed along with additional conditions being met. Many of these children have never had a positive family experience. They get a first hand glimpse of what healthy relationships can be!

Some of these children have never experienced love in a healthy manner or been able to show affection. They also learn about hygiene, American culture, and they're immersed in the English language! Their lives can be impacted greatly by their time in the U.S.A. and in your family.After coming on our program for 4-5 weeks over Christmas holidays or during the summer months, most children learn as much English as they would typically learn in 4-5 semesters if taught at home in their school. This gives the children pride in themselves and helps boost their self esteem tremendously!

Receiving unconditional love and nurturing and being treated as a member of their host family who will usually maintain contact even after the child returns home to their orphanage. This gives them hope. Learning that they do have a Father, the same Father in Heaven that we all have...who loves us dearly and is always with us and lets them know they are never alone.

Imagine that you are eleven years old, that you live in an orphanage in Latvia, where there is food to eat and clothing to wear. But, there is NO mama to kiss you goodnight and NO papa to carry you on his shoulders. There is NO promise of a future for you. There is NO hope. Then, imagine that one day, you are selected by a group of kind American missionaries to visit their country, where you will stay four weeks in the home of a real family, with a mama and a papa, and perhaps brothers and sisters. You will ride in a real airplane, and once there, you will surely be happy, because you have been chosen, for the first time in your life, for something that is good and fun and special.

Such is the goal of New Horizons for Children, an International Orphan Hosting Ministry that organizes two hosting events per year: one at Christmas, and one in the summer. According to founder LeAnn Dakake, NHFC gives children hope for their lives, because of the opportunity to travel to America, to experience unconditional love and “to learn that they do have a Father, the same Father in Heaven that we all have, who loves us dearly and is always with us.” Without intervention, upon leaving the orphanage, 60% of the girls will end up in prostitution, 70% of the boys will be on the streets or in jail, and 15% will commit suicide within the first 2 years on their own. Through the efforts of NHFC, some 2000 orphans from Latvia, Russia, and Ukraine have traveled to America. Although it is not an adoption program, Dakake is pleased that 65% of the children who are hosted do find their forever families.
Imagine that.-Janera Cagle

Never underestimate the power of love and family. I often say that these children are in a set orbit - a predetermined path that teaches them they are unloveable, unwanted, and forgotten. However, hosting provides an opportunity to step into their orbit and alter the lies they have been told. We can positively change the trajectory of their life by teaching them about their Heavenly Father who loves them. -Lisa Bonds

If you are in Georgia, the Carolinas, Texas, and many other areas consider hosting with Project 143! Project 143 has concentrations of host families in Georgia, North Carolina, and other locations on the east coast. The are bringing orphans from Latvia and Ukraine.
Project 143

If you are in Washington, southern California or Colorado in particular-consider New Horizons for Children, as they are looking to add some more host families in those locations. NHFC is the largest hosting agency, and they have families all over the US. They are bringing orphans from Latvia and Ukraine. *Note, this is Christian agency and only Christian families are accepted in the program to my knowledge*


If you are in Northern California, Oregon, or Washington, consider hosting with Childrens Cultural Connection, as they are flying their group into San Francisco. They are bringing orphans from Ukraine. They will be finalizing their list by October 11th, once they return from their interview trip.

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