Monday, March 19, 2012

How does this little girl still not have a family?

EDIT 3/23- 
Our girl has a host family! All I know so far is they are in Texas (my home!)  This family is totally prepared for her diagnosis, is familiar with and ready to go with her country! This news makes my week! For any families that were interested in V-We are getting the information on another HIV+ girl-also turning 10 this year as well-that comes from my boy S's orphanage-you know I want to see her find a family as well! 

Hosting is open to families anywhere in US-
The kids will fly into New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and Seattle. 

 Read more about her at the blog post here.
 It's discouraging that she doesn't have a host family yet. So many families have inquired but no one has been ready to make that final step for her.
 Yes, she has a medical diagnosis, but it is easily managed.
Please pray about you or someone you hosting this little girl. She needs a family!

For more information on hosting, send me an e-mail at 
or e-mail Ginger at or call her at             (408) 710-8902