Monday, June 25, 2012

Quick Update

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. A few quick updates:

My husband finally came home on Saturday night-after being in Texas for work for the past 3 weeks. I hadn't posted about him being gone (here or on Facebook even) for the obvious safety reasons, but suffice it to say I am THRILLED that he is back home. (And I know he is happy to no longer be living in a hotel room or working 12 hour shifts for almost 3 weeks straight!)

This past weekend we had what we hoped would be our last (3 family, adoption, fundraiser) garage sale. However, for the third weekend that we had a sale-it rained (poured) and was well below 60 degrees! We were prepared for it as much as possible by this time (for example we had the clothes that were for sale in this tent in the front yard):
But to some extent the weather did affect things (this was the slowest weekend yet). Also likely affecting it was the fact that most of our larger or more desirable items sold the first 2 sales. However, there are still many donated items that we would love to sell, so we have decided to try one last weekend on a guaranteed sunny weekend. Then we will try to sell some items on Craigslist and donate the rest. :) 

We are brainstorming for other joint fundraising efforts we can plan for this summer. So far we are thinking of a few car washes and a breakfast event at Applebees. 

Last Friday-the welcome letters for the host kids were sent to their country! All the kids get a letter to read while on the plane from their host family and they have to be sent early in order to guarantee that they will arrive on time. Our letters were a bit different since our kids know us, but it's still exciting to communicate with them in any way possible! It made the reality that they will be here soon so much more real! It's also very exciting to imagine the kids that I advocated for this spring and summer-reading their letters from their host families for the first time. 

Our last 2 dossier documents were also sent with the letters. (Or at least I hope they are our last 2 documents....I will be waiting for the other shoe to drop next week and to find out from our facilitator that a paper or two will have to be redone....but that is being a bit pessimistic I guess!) 

The bunk beds for V and S's room are still not assembled. When my hubby started putting them together yesterday he noticed that a piece was cracked so we will have to wait to hear back from the manufacturer about replacing the piece. 

That's all for now! Keep us in your prayers please!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love this update because its kind of sort of our update :) Right down to the bunkbeds that still arent set up... erg.
