Saturday, February 11, 2012

Phone Call

For the past few weeks we have been trying to get permission to call S. (We had a phone number for his orphanage but we still do not have one for 2.0's) Well we got the phone number for a cell phone to call, and our contact over there got us permission to call. My amazing friend Natasha called and talked to his teacher, to let her know that we would be calling him. (And that we don't speak Russian)

His teacher told Natasha that he is doing really well. That he seems so much happier since he has been hosted. And after this most recent hosting, his schoolwork has really improved! I was so glad to hear that, as we did really work on it this time (his Russian reading especially). She said he tells stories about his time here and shows the pictures.

She said it would be best for us to call back in 30 minutes, as he was busy doing something at that time and was not around. SO I called back in 30 minutes.....Unfortunately my hubby was out like a light, sleeping by that point.

It was hard! I think I lost all my Russian in about 5 seconds. I was shaking so bad.
He couldn't understand half of what I said I think.

So when I called I just said hello.

She said, "Who is this?"
I said S's Americanski mama

She said something, (way too fast for me to understand in my pitiful Russian) and then she went and got him.

First thing I said "Baby?"
He said "Da"
Which is funny because he normally argues with me when I call him that.

And all my prepared questions went out the window
Because I was shaking.

So I tried to ask him questions. And he answered but I know he couldn't understand me part of the time
(or most really)

Then I think he handed her the phone back
Because I said I love you-to start wrapping things up.
And I heard her telling him to tell me he loved me in the background. lol. What a nice lady his teacher seems to be though. I am so glad.

And so he got back on the phone. And I said I love you again.
And he kind of forced it out. (Not his normal voice)
And she said-say "bye"
And he said bye

And I said bye I love you....and I then I got his real voice "bye and I love you" back.
I can tell the Oh that sweet little voice.

So after he got off with us-I'm sure he was either showing off as the "kid that got the phone call all the way from America" or embarrassed because his Americanski mama has such poor Russian. 

He's not much of a talker in general (in Russian, Ukrainian, or English) but I hope that he got the point that we love him...that we are thinking of him....that he is so so treasured. 


  1. What a precious conversation! You will cherish this moment always. And remember that Matt slept through it LOL!

  2. Hey ya - do you mind if I use your little man's example of how well he's doing after hosting in our Window to Hope quarterly newsletter? It sure answers a big "Why host" questions...
    Let me know. And I'm sooo glad you got to talk to him - even if it was a few minutes, even if you forgot all the Russian and he forgot all of his English - just hearing his voice and for him, yours, would be so worth it! I'm getting some new pics of mine on Sunday. :)

  3. Of course were the one that she spoke to after all. :-) That's the great thing about can still make a difference, even for the ones that can't be adopted. Yay on new pics!

    And yeah, I will cherish it always. :-) And sure enough Matt woke up with no recollection of our conversation and upset that I didn't wake him up!
